The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! I love the fireworks, the fellowship, the squeals of laughter from children running around with sparklers. But as we BBQ with friends and family and watch fireworks late into the night, let’s take a moment to remember those who have not only risked and given their lives so that we have something to celebrate, but also those who may not have a family to celebrate with. And especially those who don’t have a family, a home, or anything at all. My plan for this post is not to be a "Scrooge" and put a big damper on the festivities. I LOVE holidays and parties! But the question I'm about to address, is a question that most people have probably thought of before. And it's a problem that can be quiet easily resolved! According to a recent report, over half a million people are living on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing. 8% of those, (around 40,000) are homeless veterans. Chances are, (especially if you live in the city) you’ve seen your fair share of homeless individuals. You may see some of these people as you pass under bridges, while some might be walking on the side of the road. Still others, may be holding signs that say anything from, “house fire, need help,” to “single mom with two children.” It’s hard to ignore that sight. It’s hard to walk away without doing anything to help. But even harder than that, is deciding what you can do to help. Your first thought might be to give them money. But sometimes that’s not the best option. They can easily use the money to buy things they shouldn’t. I know a certain individual who buys the homeless person lunch, and then shares the gospel with them while they eat. But that option won’t work for just anyone. If you’re a single woman, or a mom with children, you might need something a bit safer. That’s why (by a friend’s prompting and kind suggestion) we came up with Blessing Bags. These kits hold enough food to feed an individual for about two or three days, and they also hold the most important food of all… a Bible. So, you might be asking, “how much does this cost? And how can I make a Blessing Bag?” Well, it’s easy! Each Blessing Bag costs less than $6.00 to make, and holds ingredients that can usually be found right in your own kitchen! What you’ll need:
Assemble the items in the bag and keep it in a place that’s easy to access in your car. And remember, you’re not only offering them food for a few days, but by including a Bible, you’re potentially feeding them for their entire life here on earth! And not only that, but you're also sharing the greatest gift of all, eternal life. A New Blog Post Every Tuesday! SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER SO YOU DON’T MISS OUT! Join the Mailing List!
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Viva Phillips
7/4/2017 11:13:39 am
Aleigha you have a great 4th. I loved your Blog about July the 4th. Love you so much. You have a heart of gold.
Aleigha C. Israel
7/4/2017 11:23:59 am
Viva Phillips
7/4/2017 03:06:33 pm
Yes sweetheart. We are all the same way. Without him I am nothing.
Aleigha C. Israel
7/9/2017 07:58:50 pm
Thank you, Grace! We can't take credit for the idea, but we LOVE to put the idea to use! :)
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