![]() Today was an adventure! It started out with blood work, and ended with a trip to the allergist. I'm basically allergic to everything, haha! (Environmental wise. Food allergies came back great!) But that explains my asthma attacks lately, and a lot of other things. So we've switched my inhalers and I'm looking forward to slowly feeling better! <3 I only learned about having asthma a couple of weeks ago. But it explains a lot! And I'm so thankful for amazing doctors, and medications that make my attacks a lot less scarier. And hoping for brighter days ahead! These scriptures have lifted my heart lately. <3 As a lot of you know, I was diagnosed with POTS several months ago. It’s been a battle of ups and downs, sorrows and joys. Each day has its little mountains to climb. But through this trial, I’m learning to take pleasure in the simple things. And rejoicing over every little thing I can accomplish that day. I haven’t been feeling the best these last couple of weeks, but that’s when scriptures like these are so important to recall. That’s why we must hide them away in our hearts. Everyone has their mountains to climb. Whether big or small, we all have obstacles we must overcome. That’s why we have to cling tightly to scriptures like these. Scriptures that promise hope. These scriptures in 2 Corinthians have so much truth and hope packed into them! From the very first word “momentary” reminding us that the pain doesn’t last forever. To the hope of an eternal glory that far outweighs these earthly trials. And the precious reminder to fix our eyes on not what is SEEN, but what is UNSEEN. Because these trials, these things that press in on us, the battles that sometimes grow bigger, and the mountains that seem to keep growing taller, It’s all going to pass away. And one day we’ll be with Jesus in paradise. And the lame will walk and the blind will see. And no one will suffer, no tears will be shed. But until that glorious day, we can fix our eyes upon Christ. Upon what is eternal. And trust Him to meet our needs and carry us though these storms. I don’t know about you, but thinking about that always seems to give me the courage to press on. So keep fighting friends, take joy in the simple things of life. In the laughter of your family, or the clouds and sunshine or drizzling rain. And always remember His promises and cling to scriptures like these! I’m praying for my warrior friends today. Those I know who are going through hard things. Keep pressing on, friends!! It’ll get easier. Remember to cling to His promises and never let go. He’s never left you before, and He has no intention of doing so now. What are some of YOUR favorite scriptures to turn to for hope? Let me know in the comments! Until next time, let's keep our lights shining for Christ! Love you all!! <3